Sir Albert Einstein was Quoted saying "The Power of Compounding is the Eighth Wonder of the World!". Now, courtesy legends like Warren Buffett we all can easily figure out within two minutes that if our money grows at 20% annually, we can grow our wealth 2 times in 4 years, 6 times ten years, 9 times in 12 years, 38 times in 20 years and 238 times in 30 Years! Which essentially means YOU RETIRE RICH! We help you do exactly that. Be it through cutting edge Long term and Short Term Investing Strategy or Advanced Trading Strategies we create a dynamic ANTI-FRAGILE Portfolio which gives You those delightful returns or even more and at the time keeps You safe from undue risks! And What's Our ADDED VALUE? Through the application of Quantum Physics Principles and Certain other cutting edge alternate sciences our Advanced Investeye33 Analytics has been correctly predicting events such as the 2020 Market Correction, the 2021 Market Peaks, the 2022 Market Volatility, and at present it is also predicting certain significant events that are Facing Us in the near future. We cannot emphasize enough How significantly this Added Value makes us STAND OUT! These Advanced Analytics are built in to All of Our Solutions that You can benefit from and create wealth from in an ANTI-FRAGILE WAY. We urge YOU to Connect with Us and avail these Incredibly Powerful Solutions! It is our responsibility to assist in growing Your Wealth for the years & decades to come. Currently we are proving a two Year subscription for our You instead of one, because of we want to navigate You through the upcoming turbulence and take you safely to the coming decade - the GOLDEN ERA of Indian Stock Markets. For most of Us this is going to be a once in a lifetime Opportunity! Please Don't Miss it!

Let’s Connect:



Integrity, Insight & Inspiration are the three core qualities or values based on which all of our solutions are designed. Clients joining our community of Wealth Creators invest immense trust on our solutions. Protecting and growing Your wealth is our prior responsibility. And to that end we have devised innovative techniques that are unmatched in their performance, predictability and sustainability.


We have predicted the 2020 Market correction 7 months in advance (irrespective of the Glabal challenges that we faced at that time), the Sept 2021 Market peaking and subsequent 2022 Volatility well in advance for our clients. This was perceived by our Advanced Investeye33 Analytics which is based on Quantum Physics Principles and certain other alternative Advanced Sciences. What difference AIA can make for You? If You have invested in Sensex in Year 2000 and kept your money there, it will have grown 10 times by 2022. But if you had an advanced system of predicting major market corrections well before they happen, then Your money could grow as much as 50 time by 2022. IF you add multilayered fundamental stock picking system, returns can be as high as they get! Our Analytics can help YOU achieve these numbers! THIS IS THE ONE FACTOR THAT HAS ALREADY MADE US WINNERS AND WILL CONTINUE TO MAKE US STAND OUT IN THE MARKETS. Based on these systems we can create an Anti-Fragile and a multifold growth-giving Stock Portfolio for You also.


AIA had predicted the market crash of 2020 8 months in advance. And once that happened there was no looking back. At this time Our Stock Selection System consisting of multiple fundamental, macro, statistical and technical layers came to work full swing Till 29th Sept we hugely profited from the rising markets - with multiple of our stock giving 200%/300% annualized returns or even more. On 29th Sept our insider clients were updated about the prediction that market peaking has happened and volatility is going to follow. Therefore, while many of the stock investors were taken by a shock we already were rebalanced our cash to investment exposure ratio. Even now we have our predictions in place for what's coming in the near term (2022-23) and long term term Future (present-2030s) and YOU, just like ALL OUR CLIENTS, can benefit from the same insight!


What is Most Important For Us? IT IS YOU.

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Meet the Person - Susmit Aaditya Mukherjee

Hi My name is Susmit Aaditya Mukherjee and I am in love with devising Stock Investment Strategies and Analytics! I have been Analyzing Investing in the markets from 2014. By 2017 I had stumbled upon the idea of Stock Charts exhibiting a dual characteristic – a static or slow changing aspect which is the Intrinsic Value and a very Fluid & Dynamic aspect bubbles and crashes. This seemed uncannily similar to the Quantum Physical Duality where there is a static or objective nature of the price but due to mass interference of interpretations and emotions we are experiencing the Stock values not as their actual intrinsic values but a dynamic wave pattern of the mass perception of the Intrinsic Value over time, giving this a wavy nature. This research led us to unchartered realms from where we have now developed the Advanced Investeye33 Analytics which incredibly assists us in Knowing the major future market transitions in a shockingly accurate way! There must be a reason that You are with us, taking your to read this, and I would urge You to avail our path breaking solutions and create wealth for You and Your Loved Ones for the decades to come! (My Qualitifications and Education: PGD Fin. Management, SEBI Registered Analyst, CFA Candidate, B. Tech)

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